Sunday, November 21, 2010

Death by Kidney Failure

I spent last week battling sickness, but finally succumbed to the inevitable on Friday morning, when I couldn't stand up straight and had to hobble around, and went in to the health center for drugs (They told me in the past, in the condition I was in, they would've sent me to the hospital. But with today's awesome drugs, I didn't have to go, yay! I did have to suffer kidney seizures.) As I hobbled around campus, I had a vision of myself as that old woman who voyagers walk up to and ask for prophelific advice--like I would give them three identical sticks and ask them to choose and then give them a parable about how their choice means they will become king or something. But no one came up to me. I blame this on the fact that I didn't have a cane. Or three sticks.

Anyways I'm feeling a lot better now, which brings me to my next and latest thought on velociraptors: marriage.

I was talking to a friend, about something I no longer remember, and somehow we got on wedding dresses and vampires and I remember exclaiming "velociraptors in wedding dresses!" (I said a lot of stuff that I don't clearly remember this week due to being in a fever/pain/dying haze.) Obviously velociraptors have very ceremonious weddings, the kind I'll have to think up later when I don't have a 7-10 page paper to write, but I wanted to put that image in your head: velociraptors wearing wedding dresses. I'm sure I'll try, and fail, to draw this at some point this week. Stay tuned!

I would also like to leave you with this image: Earwigs in wigs.

I was at a dinner party thing last night and somehow the universal hatred and disgust towards earwigs entered the conversation and all I could think about was earwigs wearing wigs and somehow this made them less scary. I shared the image with the group and a few shared my sentiment; give them wigs, they become more understandable, or relatable. Or something. I mean, imagine them, wandering around, a Cher wig in place, worrying about the wind blowing it off, talking to each other about the latest wig style.

And then it hit me: earwigs in wigs in my army. It would be perfect. They would be in hiding and then whip off their wigs and attack.

So yes, velociraptors in wedding dresses and earwigs in wigs. Happy Sunday.

1 comment:

  1. My thoughts:

    A) People may have been more inclined to ask you for prophecies had you dyed your hair gray.

    B) Why just stop at wedding dresses? There is a tux for the groom, a frilly little dress AND a basket of flowers for the flower girl....

    C) Someone just brought up earwigs! I don't remember where or why, but I'd been thinking about how they rank up there with spiders. Next time I see one I will just picture it in a wig :)
