Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Do Velociraptors Get Sick: A Close Study (and by close I mean totally made up from my head)

Why no, my dear sole reader, (Hayley? Colleen? It varies) velociraptors do not take ill. They do not get sicknesses.

That is what they would have you believe, at least. In truth, one that falls ill is immediately shunned from the group so that the weaker genes cannot affect the rest of the horde. They keep these acts secret, as it makes them look as though they could be fearful of something. I wouldn't call it fear, though; I would call it pride. "We shall not be sick creatures!" and then you get kicked off the island.

So if a velociraptor were to fall ill, in any sense of the word, they would try to hide it, and perhaps more than a few have done so successfully; the successful few are not known. Of what happens to the outcasts we do know: They wander, lonely, crying in voices that would literally stop your heart, longing for their horde. They are unable to kill, their will being lost to them, and they slowly fade into nothingness. If I were to attempt to win over a velociraptor to my side (er not that I would...) I would seek out the lonely ones, seek to restore to them their former bloodlust---of course a bloodlust for the evil at work in the universe. Maybe I would make them vegetarians...the possibilities are yet unknown.

Sickness has been on my mind of late, as my body seems bent on killing me or crushing my will to do anything. I'm glad I don't live in a society that casts out the ill. I'm also very appreciative of modern medicine. But being sick so frequently makes me feel so weak sometimes, and I feel as though I am fighting more than just a virus or bacteria or whatever. The mind and body are so connected, are they not?