I've become rather attached to the spam comments, keeping them stashed on my desktop now for the past few weeks, and I will often read them out to a coworker when I get the chance. The readings evolved into a kind of theatrical moment for me, as though I was reading from someone's secret diary. I became inspired to make them into more than what they were, and give them the life they'll never have, by turning them into odd poetry.
So here's my first poem (the first poem I've written since college) and every line and word is from a spam comment. I took very few liberties, just let lines from my ten favorite comments jump out at me. I've gotten five poems so far, but I'll share my least favorite with you here, just to see how you like the thing.
Spam Poetry: Access Consistently (titles are from the comments as well)
I simply stumbled upon
Even faced with the impossible,
Happiness exists inside
Consequent health ramifications
Including nerologogical disorders.
Use smudge sticks.