Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Cat Mentality

So I know I said on my Facebook that I would draw more sharks on fire, but this is going to be about cats.

I, and my sisters, have believed for some time now that our cats Priscilla and Charolette, may they rest in peace, have been haunting our house for the last few years (since their death I mean. Although cats haunt places when they're alive as well. They're really just haunters). And probably we are crazy for thinking this (and I know I'm probably crazy for a number of reasons--no just kidding, I'm normal. Look, here's a shark <O< ) but recently a Dashing Young Man (aka my boyfriend) came by and, whilst he was relaxing on the couch, remarked, "I say, is that a member of the feline species stalking your stairs? Forgive me, it was just a trick of the---" "GHOSTS" I finished for him (even though he doesn't talk like that in real life). And thus it was that a third party, unaware of the previous suspicions held by me and my sisters, came to reaffirm in me that my old cats DO stalk these halls in death...

Which is why I'm writing about cats. Because after the Dashing Young Man retired for the evening, I began to wonder what my old cats must have thought during their alive years. And this is what I came up with:

Charolette's Thoughts Regarding Humans

  1. The humans cannot be left alone. They seem to be afraid the moment they find themselves without other company. Yet they continually lock me out from places. No matter, to protect them I scratch for long minutes upon the doors, reaching to try the handles. Eventually I am let in, with reluctance I don't understand. 
  2. Humans do not have fur and therefore, I am sure, will die of cold very quickly, even in warm weather. I try to help them with this, by curling upon their laps. It is tiresome, resting upon their bony legs, saving them from death, when my only reward is hardened food morsels.
  3. There are strange noises from the place beyond the invisible doors. I watch the humans come and go from the place, but I cannot fathom what could be more important than lying in the sun beams on the floor. They do not seem to grasp the true simple joys of life. I wonder what it is they could be seeking...
Wow, I was going to work on that being more like the funny images in my head (a drawing was going to be included) but I'm actually having a little difficulty continuing...Erm, I didn't think it would be this sad to write about my old cats. Damn. I thought I was Stone! Beyond the emotions of mortals!

To make up for me going into the Sadlands, here's a shark that I drew/colored: